Me: (with an ominous voice) Ohh, You are aproaching me? Yeah?
You don't know what my secret weapon i-
Me: (dramatically) NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
I ran out of money, lol...
(You hear music described as "Man to angry to Die" in the deep of the hell loose. What do You do? [Don't Die lol])
exatcly, oh wait- *dash*
Love it. Seriously, love it. Everything is done here to perfection...
These colors, lines, dynamic of itself...
You've done it greatly...
Eeep thank you so much!!
Ahh yes, Fishman animation flashbacks. How good :).
This is fricking insane!
Keep Your work up.
They are like dopelgangers. I don't know who to shoot. (Proceds to shoot accidencialy Songia)
Kongia: >:D
Hahaha :D LOL
You get it (:
You seriously look like a Boxanne father, tired but happy :).
I’m not even tired I’m just bad at drawing lol
Did you see my profile banner (:
0/10 Where is Saxton Hale?!
An Angel that is exploring apocalyptic city called Newgrounds...
By the way, welcome to my account, where You can see my art, posts and other content!
Joined on 4/1/24